Floods Recede as Baltic Storm Breaks Apart
Floods along the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea are finally beginning to recede after nearly a week as the most recent Baltic cyclone "Jothan" dissipates.
Jothan is responsible for 17 deaths in Novegrad and 78 across Europe, and billions of dollars of damage. Around the Baltic Sea it caused storm surges of up to five meters, flooding numerous coastal cities, including large parts of Néugrade, Pernáu, Ríga, and Libáva. Powerful waves and winds were responsible for destroying a part of the unfinished Kotlíno dam across the Nevá Bay, which upon its completion was supposed to protect Néugrade from such surges. Construction is believed to have been set back approximately 15 months.
Much of downtown Ríga and Pernáu experienced flooding that lasted for up to three days. These cities are quickly returning to life as work crews move in to clear the streets and repair damaged structures. Many schools and other businesses will remain closed until water damage is repaired and their buildings are declared safe.
Most sea-going vessels on the Baltic Sea had safely returned to port thanks to warnings received from Western Europe. Many boats were sent upriver temporarily, and many of those that remained in harbors open to the sea suffered significant damage. Naval vessels were all rebased into the sheltered harbors of Lake Kiśezerse (Ķīšezers) near Ríga and Lake Libáva near Libáva, both protected from storm surges. Elsewhere, hurricane-force winds did significant damage as well.
Jothan was an unusually powerful European wind storm, or "orkan". It originated near Newfoundland before traveling across the Atlantic, picking up strength, before striking England, Denmark, and Germany directly and then moving into the Baltic Sea. Now weakened, the remains of the storm are expected to cause heavy snowfall in Karelia and Śěverno-Duineskáia Oblost.